CAPT. Eugene "Red" McDaniel, USN RET., Former POW
Chairman, POW/MIA Committee
About CAPT. "Red" McDaniel:
Taken from his book, "Scars and Stripes": "Red McDaniel was shot down over Hanoi during his 81st combat mission in 1967. He was held captive for six years, becoming one of the most brutally tortured prisoners of the Vietnam war. For his service in Vietnam, Red McDaniel received the Navy's highest award for bravery, the Navy Cross. His many other military decorations include two silver stars, two Legions of Merit with combat "V" (for combat valor), two Distinguished Flying Crosses, three Bronze Stars with combat "V", and two Purple Hearts for wounds resulting from the torture he endured as a POW.
After returning home in 1973, Red served as Commanding Officer of USS NIAGARA FALLS and of aircraft carrier USS LEXINGTON. He was Director of Navy/Marine Corps Liaison to the U.S. House of Representatives (1979-1981), after which the Secretary of the Navy personally presented Red with his second Legion of Merit Award."
CAPT. McDaniel was Founder and President of the American Defense Foundation. He retired from the U.S. Navy in 1982. May God continue to Bless Red and his family, and we all are blessed to know such a loyal, courageous, and patriotic soul: CAPT. Eugene "Red" McDaniel. Thank you for your service, Sir. You are a true war hero!
WE MUST NEVER FORGET OUR POW/MIA! We will strive to obtain a full accounting until they have all returned home. It is the obligation of our government, our elected officials, to BRING THEM ALL HOME! The POW/MIA issue is one of the primary focuses of the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition and we will continue to support legislation and renew dialogue with government officials and committee members.
Following are a few Coalition member organizations whose primary mission is the resolution of the POW/MIA issue, i.e. the return of ALL American prisoners of war and missing in action, and bringing to justice all those responsible for abandoning them. "Leave no man behind..." really?
Our POW/MIA gallery is a reminder of those who still have not been returned. Our gallery Memorial Page has been designed to pay tribute to those POW/MIA who have yet to be returned or accounted for, and those whose identities have been confirmed and/or remains returned.
Please refer to DPMO's website for the most current, updated information on the POW/MIA issue, especially for the latest on remains recovery and a listing of the names whose remains have been repatriated.
- An Enormous Crime
- Capt. Scott Speicher
- POW/MIA Memorial
- POW/MIA Network
- National Alliance of Families of Prisoners of War and Missing in Action
- Rolling Thunder
- Release Foundation
- Task Force Omega
- POW/MIA Forget Me Nots
- Long Island POW-MIA Coalition
- Minnesota Won't Forget POW/MIA's
The foremost informational websites dealing with POW/MIA: